
economistannature REPORTS climate change: A new kind of scientist by Gavin Schmidt & Elisabeth Moyer we need to cultivate a new kind of scientist, one who will be able to more easily bridge these interdisciplinary divides.
The gap between economics and climate science is perhaps more profound and to a large extent relates to each field's approach to complexity. Over the last 40 years, climate models have evolved into large-scale numerical simulations that represent the physical world in intricate detail. Climate scientists have built this complexity into their models because of their confidence in the underlying fundamental physics of radiative transfer and the equations of motion. Confidence in the results of climate models has been boosted by their predictive success over recent decades and that of closely related weather forecasting models.
By contrast, economists have no hard-and-fast laws analogous to physical processes on which to rely. Human behaviour and social processes are exceedingly complex and poorly understood, and impossible to represent with the type of precision and confidence enjoyed by physical scientists. Economists are therefore typically wary of excessive complexity in calculations and models, taking the view that this rarely improves insight. Their goal instead has been to find simple analytical forms that capture fundamental features of behaviour. To a climate scientist, an economic model can seem rudimentary. To an economist, a climate model can seem like a Rube Goldberg contraption.

対照的に経済学者たちは、信頼できる物理的作用と相似的な確固たる原理を持っていない。人間の行動や社会的作用はあまりにも複雑でほとんど理解に程遠く、物理系学者のような精確さと信頼性際を獲得するのは不可能だ。だから経済学者は過剰な複雑性に対して慎重で、結果、行動の基本的な特性を捉える単純な形式を発見することにもっぱらだった。気候科学者にとって、経済モデルは初歩的なものにしか見えず、経済学者にとって、気候モデルはRube Goldberg contraptionのようにしか見えないようだ。

Rube Goldberg contraptionって何のことだと思ったら、簡単にできそうなことするのにやたら手の込んだ計画や機械を使うことで、漫画からきているという。
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