
Nature Reports Climate Change 10 September 2009:Bucking the trend

The rapid Arctic warming documented in the twentieth century comes on the heels of a 2,000-year-long cooling trend, finds new research. The study, which is the first to resolve temperature in the region on a decade-by-decade basis over the past two millennia, provides new evidence that recent warming is the result of greenhouse gas emissions.


Darrell Kaufman of Northern Arizona University and colleagues compiled data from tree rings, ice cores and lake sediments to reconstruct temperature trends across the region. The reconstructions reveal that, on average, temperatures cooled by 0.22±0.06 °C per thousand years over the past two millennia. The researchers attribute this trend to cyclical changes in the Earth's orbit around the sun, which have caused less sunlight to reach high northern latitudes during summer months over the past few thousand years. A climate model simulation supports their conclusion.

アリゾナ大学のダレル・カウフマンらは年輪、アイスコア、湖底堆積物のデータから北極圏の気温傾向を再現した結果、この2000年間で千年当たり0.22±0.06 °C低下していたことを突き止めた。研究者たちはこのトレンドを地球の公転軌道の周期的変化によるものとし、それによって北半球の高緯度に達する太陽光が過去数千年間夏の数ヶ月間減少することになったという。この結論は気候モデルシミュレーションでも確かめられている。

Although the cooling orbital cycle continued, by the twentieth century human-induced warming became the dominant influence on the climate. Arctic summers during the mid-twentieth century were 0.7 °C warmer than would have been expected on the basis of the cooling trend alone, and four of the five hottest decades of the 2,000-year reconstruction occurred between 1950 and 2000.

寒冷化軌道周期が続いていたにもかかわらず、20世紀の人為的温暖化が支配的な影響を気候にもたらした。20世紀中頃の夏の北極の気温は寒冷化トレンドだけで想定したものより0.7 °C温かい。そして過去2000年間の最も暑い10年の5つのうち4は1950年と2000年の間で起きている。
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