
Global Surface Temperature Changeで、J. Hansenらが地球温暖化に対するマスメディアの無知にかなり批判的なことを書いている。

Communication of the status of global warming to the public has always been hampered by weather variability. Lay people's perception tends to be strongly influenced by the latest local fluctuation. This difficulty can be alleviated by stressing the need to focus on the frequency and magnitude of warm and cold anomalies, which change noticeably on decadal time scales as global warming increases.
Other obstacles to public communication include the media's difficulty in framing longterm problems as 'news', a preference for sensationalism, a generally low level of familiarity with basic science, and a preference for 'balance' in every story. The difficulties are compounded by the politicization of reporting of global warming, a perhaps inevitable consequence of economic and social implications of efforts required to alter the course of human-made climate change.


The task of alleviating the communication obstacle posed by politicization is formidable, and it is made more difficult by attacks on the character and credibility of scientists.
Polls indicate that the attacks have been effective in causing many members of the public to doubt the reality or seriousness of global warming.


One lesson we have learned is that making our global data analysis immediately available, with data use by ourselves and others helping to reveal flaws in the input data, has a practical disadvantage: it allows any data flaws to be interpreted and misrepresented as machinations. Yet the data are too useful for scientific studies to be kept under wraps, so we will continue to make the data available on a monthly basis.

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