
REDRAWING THE ENERGY-CLIMATE MAPWorld Energy Outlook Special Report by IEA

Global CO2 emissions from fossil-fuel combustion increased again in 2012, reaching a record high of 31.6 Gt, according to our preliminary estimates. This represents an increase of 0.4 Gt on 2011, or 1.4%, a level that, if continued, would suggest a long-term temperature increase of 3.6 °C or more. The growth in emissions results from an increase in global fossilfuel consumption: 2.7% for natural gas, 1.1% for oil and 0.6% for coal. Taking into account emissions factors that are specific to fuel, sector and region, natural gas and coal each accounted for 44% of the total energy-related CO2 emissions increase in 2012, followed by oil (12%). The global trend masks important regional differences: in 2012, a 3.1% increase in CO2 emissions in non-OECD countries was offset, but only partly, by a 1.2% reduction in emissions in OECD countries (Figure 1.8).

世界の化石燃料起源二酸化炭素排出量は2012年、31.6ギガトンの記録更新となった。2011年より0.4Gt多い増加で、1.4%増。このペースで増え続けると長期的には気温が 3.6 °C以上上昇すると見られる。内訳は天然ガス2.7%増、石油1.1%増、石炭0.6%増。天然ガスと石炭がそれぞれ増加分の44%を占める。

While China made the largest contribution to the global increase, with its emissions rising by 300 Mt, or 3.8%, this level of growth is one of the smallest in the past decade and less than half of the emissions increase in 2011, reflecting China's efforts in installing low carbon generating capacity and achieving improvements in energy intensity. Coal demand grew by 2.4%, most of it to supply industrial demand. While electricity generation in China increased 5.2%, coal input to power generation grew by only 1.2%. Most of the additional demand was met by hydro, with 18 GW of capacity additions coming online in 2012,complemented by a wet year in 2012. Increased wind and solar also played a role. Hydro capacity at the end of 2012 was 249 GW, on track to meet the 2015 target of 290 GW.


The Japan's emissions rose by some 70 Mt CO2,or 5.8%, in 2012 a rate of growth last seen two decades ago, as a consequence of the need to import large quantities of liquefied natural gas and coal in order to compensate for the almost 90% reduction in electricity generation from nuclear power following the Fukushima Daiichi accident. The increase in fuel import costs was a key reason for Japan's record high trade deficit of \6.9 trillion ($87 billion) in 2012.

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