
EIA:Today in Energy:Indonesia has significant potential to increase geothermal electricity productionによると、日本の地熱発電量は実績ベースで、世界10位に転落した。
2030年の地熱発電、現在のフィリピン以下」の通り、Geothermal electricityの発電能力では519MWで世界9位だが、発電実績ベースでは既に発電能力10位のトルコに抜かれ10位に転落した。トルコは近年急速に伸びており、発電能力でも日本を抜きそうだ。このままではその後に続く中米のコスタリカにも早晩抜かれてベスト10ランキングから転落するだろう。実際、中米三か国のコスタリカ、ニカラグァ、エルサルバドル3か国合わせれば、発電能力は570MWで既に日本を上回っている。

Indonesia has included several geothermal power plants in its fast-track program, which is meant to accelerate the development of more than 27 GW of total power capacity in the next several years. Indonesia has focused on geothermal in particular, signing an agreement with New Zealand in 2012 for joint development of geothermal energy projects.
About 5 GW of new geothermal capacity is slated to come online in Indonesia by 2022, including the 330-megawatt Sarulla power plant, potentially the world's largest geothermal power plant. Successful completion of these geothermal projects could result in Indonesia becoming the world leader in both geothermal electric capacity and generation.

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