

[ワシントン 16日 ロイター]米政府は16日、日本の地震に伴う原発事故が深刻化していることを受け、米国民に対して福島原発から半径80キロ圏内から退避するよう勧告した。


U.S. urges evacuation from 50-mile zone around Japan nuclear plant

The U.S. Embassy in Tokyo is advising Americans currently within a fifty-mile radius of Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant to evacuate or stay indoors.
"We are recommending, as a precaution, that American citizens who live within 50 miles (80 kilometers) of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant evacuate the area or to take shelter indoors if safe evacuation is not practical," U.S. Ambassador to Japan John Roos said in a statement Wednesday.

U.S. Nuclear Industry Questions 50-Mile Radius(The Wall Street Journal)

In an interview with Dow Jones Newswires, Nuclear Energy Institute spokesman Steve Kerekes said the U.S. nuclear industry has "questions about the scientific basis" of the administration's actions.
Japan's 12-mile evacuation policy appears "sufficient to minimize public-health impacts," based on available data concerning radiation and dispersal, Mr. Kerekes said.
Mr. Kerekes said he did not know whether the NEI, a policy group representing nuclear-power plant operators, had informed the White House or other agencies of its views.
A spokesman for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which oversees the U.S. nuclear industry, was not available for comment.
NEI recently informed at least one member of Congress of its views: Rep. Joe Barton (R., Texas), a nuclear-power advocate who used to chair the powerful House Energy and Commerce Committee.
"While they could understand, to some degree, why [the administration] would do that," Mr. Barton told Dow Jones Newswires, NEI staff said the 50-mile evacuation zone "was much more than was necessary."

記事では日本の規制範囲は20キロを取って12マイルとしているが、アメリカの50マイルには“or stay indoors”(自宅退避)も含んでいるので30キロの20マイルとすべきだろう。

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